
Ellie Ye

Front-end Developer

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About Me

Passionate about problem-solving and elegant code. Always embrace the new technologies, believe they are aimed to solve problems.

UI/UX is another field I'm interested in, good design is same important as its functionality. life is too short to use unaesthetic applications!


Signum Health

Front-end Developer (Placement)

  • Developed a fully functional interactive end-to-end dashboard with a modern design by using Asp.Net MVC and SCSS, which enhanced the business value of the whole product.
  • By using limited criteria implemented a new and modern look application as well as created the style guidelines to keep its consistency and rewarded good feedback from clients.
  • Redesigned the complicated pathways to make the application easy to use, which highly improved the usability.
  • By switching the usage of a single CSS file to modular SCSS reduced massive code repetition and increased the page render speed.

Postroast Coffee

Web Developer (Intern)

  • Built and maintained website
  • Created highly extentable and maintainable products page, as well as improved the user experience by reducing the loading time.
  • Sales revenue increased 10% by optimizing SEO and page render speed


Dessert Order App (Full stack)

A well designed and fully functional online order application by using React, React Router and Redux to manage the shared state. A backend with restful api is also built.

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Library Management Platform (Vue)

A management application by using Vue, it's able to add/update/delete books and users as well as to loan a book to a user and get a book’s details by searching on title or author (vuex used for the shared data).

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Music Player

A simple music mobile player using modular approach as well as gulp. It's able to change to next/last song and able to pause the current playing.

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UI Projects

UI design across multiple usage, some of them are live already. Click below to view my dribbble profile.

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